US Indicators

The business activity index of the Federal Bank of Atlanta (Atlanta Fed Index)
It reflects the assessment of current economic situation in a survey of manufacturers in Atlanta. Values ​​below 0 are an indication of a slowdown in the economy.
Published after the 10th day of each month.
The growing importance of this index has a positive effect on the US dollar.

Average hourly earnings (Average Hourly Earnings)
This indicator refers to the group of inflation indicators. It displays two values: the absolute and the relation to the previous period.
Published on the first Friday of each month (if the first Friday falls on the first day, the second Friday).
It has a strong impact on the market.

Average workweek (Average Work week)
The indicator shows the average length of the working week in the past month. It is a good indicator of the state of the labor market at different stages of the economic cycle. Published on the first Friday of each month (if the first Friday falls on the first day, the second Friday).
It has little impact on the market.

Balance of Payments (Balance of Payment)
The indicator is the ratio between the amount of payments received from abroad and the amount of payments going abroad. It takes into account: trade balance, current account balance and the balance on the financial account. In the US, typically positive, but close to zero. The positive balance (surplus) - the excess of payments received over produced.
The passive balance (deficit) - produced excess payments over do. Published in the middle of each month.
It has a strong impact on the market.

"Beige Book" - Economic Review US FED (Beige Book)
The review covers the sphere of industrial production, services, agriculture, financial institutions, labor market, real estate market. Produced by all US Federal Reserve Bank. Published eight times a year, on Wednesday, two weeks before the next meeting of the Open Market Committee of the US Federal Reserve (FOMC).
Effect on the market is limited.

Construction permits (Building Permits)
It reflects the number of permits for new home construction. Sensitive to changes in key interest rates. It is directly related to state income. Published in the third week of each month.
The growth of the indicator has a positive effect on the US dollar.

Inventories Warehouse (Business Inventories)
For this indicator, it is important not the absolute value, and a steady trend in its dynamics Published in the middle of each month.
The growing importance of this index has a negative impact on the US dollar.

Capacity utilization (Capacity Utilization)
It reflects the degree of utilization of productive capacity of the economy. It can act as one of the indicators of inflation. The level of 85% indicates a good balance between growth and inflation. Exceeding this evidence causes inflation. Published in the middle of each month.
The effect on the market is inconsistent.

The layoffs Index (Challenger Layoff)
This figure comes in two types: absolute terms and as a percentage of the previous figure. This report is based on non-statistical sample of announcements of cuts published in leading media. On it you can rely on leaving in a few days the data on the labor market. Published at the beginning of each month.
The effect on the market is inconsistent.

Business Activity Index Managers Association of Chicago (Chicago PMI Index)
It represents the results of a survey of purchasing managers in the industrial sector from Chicago. Reflect the state of manufacturing orders, prices for manufactured products and inventory in warehouses. Readings below 45 indicate a slowing economy. The growth of its value, as a rule, leads to an increase of the US dollar.
Published on the last working day of the month.
It has a strong impact on the market.

Costs of Construction (Construction Spending)
It appears in two forms: the absolute value of the cost and the relationship to the previous indicator. Like all the "building" performance has seasonal variations. Sensitive to changes in key US interest rates. It is directly related to state income.
It appears on the first working day of each month.
Market impact is ambiguous.

The index of consumer confidence (Consumer Confidence)
This index is calculated from 1967, the year when he was assigned a value of 100. It is calculated by a representative survey of the population and is used to predict the labor market and overall economy.
It appears after the 20th day of each month.
On the market has little effect.

Consumer credit (Consumer Credit)
The growing importance of this index is a positive characteristic of the state of the economy. It reflects the amount of credit for individuals and hire purchase.
Published at the end of the first decade of each month.
On the market has little effect.

Consumer Price Index (Consumer Price Index)
It reflects the level of retail prices for the "basket" of goods and services. It is the main indicator of inflation. When calculating the index takes into account the prices of imported goods and services.
Published in the middle of each month.
Market impact is ambiguous.

The balance on current account (Current Account)
The quarterly report, which takes into account, in addition to goods, services (service) and the number of payments on income on securities (in the US this figure, unlike in Europe, negative). The indicator is the ratio between the amount of payments received from abroad and the amount of payments going abroad. The positive balance (surplus) - the excess of payments received over produced. The passive balance (deficit) - produced excess payments over do.
Published in the middle of the last month of the quarter following the evaluated.
On the market has little effect.

Orders for durable goods (Durable Goods Orders)
For durable goods are products with a lifetime of more than three years. These include cars, home radio engineering, furniture and other. Since these products are expensive, the increase in orders for these shows consumers' willingness to spend their own savings. Therefore, the growth of this indicator is regarded as a positive factor for economic development. Published in the fourth week of each month. Market impact is ambiguous.

Employment Cost Index (Employment Cost Index)
This quarterly figure includes wages and unemployment benefits. One of the inflation rates of the economy, the growth of which can lead to an increase in the US dollar. It appears after the 20th day of January, April, July and October.
The effect on the market is inconsistent.
It is used mainly for long-term forecasts.

The number of homes sold (Existing Home Sale)
It shows the number of homes sold in the secondary market. It is directly related to income levels. The increase in this indicator reflects the growing economy.
Published after the 20th day of each month.
The growth of this indicator can trigger the growth of the US dollar.

Prices of Export (Export Prices)
One of the indicators of inflation. It shows the change in export prices over the last month.
It turns out around the 10th of each month.
Effect on the market slightly.

Production Orders (Factory Orders)
In the analysis of this indicator it is important not to its absolute value, and a stable trend. The growth of the index is a positive factor, describing the development of the national economy. Published at the beginning of each month.
Effect on the market slightly.

State Budget (Federal Budget)
This indicator is used for long-term forecasting and economic analysis. It characterizes the ratio between the incomes of the state and its costs Published around the 20th of each month. Effect on the market slightly.

Gross Domestic Product (Gross Domestics Product)
It is the main indicator reflecting the state of the economy. Expressed as an index relative to the previous value, and an absolute value of the sum of prices for manufactured goods and services.
Published on a quarterly basis.
It has a significant impact on the market.

GDP - preliminary value (GDP Advance)
This indicator is the first stage of three levels GDP data, which are published every quarter: Advance - Provisional (revised) - Final.
Published on a quarterly basis.

GDP deflator (GDP Deflator)
This ratio is the current value of GDP to its base value. It reflects the value of the inflation component in the value of GDP.
Published simultaneously with the GDP.

GDP - Final value (GDP Final)
This update "a revised" GDP (provisional). Most often, the differences between them are minimal. Published next month after the publication (GDP provisional) after the 20 th.

GDP - Revised value (GDP Provisional (revised))
This update (revision) "pre value" GDP (advance). Published next month after the publication of «GDP Advance» after 20 th.

The index of the number of required workers (Help-Wanted Index)
This index reflects the volume of published advertisements in newspapers on the hiring of workers and employees before last month. The value 100 was given to this index in 1987. In the analysis of a change in trend is mainly used as defined by a moving average (MA). Changing trend may signal a change in the labor market. It appears on the last Thursday of each month. It has little effect on the market, but at a given index can be tracked the unemployment rate, which comes out next week.

Construction of new homes (Housing Start)
It reflects the number of new homes on which construction has already begun. This indicator is directly related to state income. Increase its value is perceived favorably by the market. Published in the third week of each month.
The effect on the market is inconsistent.

Prices of imports (Import Prices)
This indicator refers to the group inflation rates. It shows the change in import prices for the month. It turns out around the 10th of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

Industrial Production (Industrial Production)
One of the main indicators of the national economy. It reflects the level of changes in the volume of output in manufacturing and utilities. The growth of this indicator tends to lead to an increase in the US dollar.
It appears in the middle of each month.
It has a significant impact on the market.

Trade Balance (International Trade or Trade Balance)
It reflects the difference between exports and imports in absolute terms. The positive balance (surplus) - the excess of the price of exported goods over vvezёnnymi. The passive balance (deficit) - the excess of the price of exported goods vvezёnnyh. The surplus is a favorable factor for the growth of the national currency.
Issued on Thursday of the third week of each month.
It has a strong impact on the market.

Іndeks business activity (ISM (Institute of Supply Management Index))
Indicator research institute of supply and demand. Calculated on the basis of five key indicators of the state of the economy. Values ​​below 50 indicates economic slowdown, over 60 can speak of "overheating". This indicator is called "indicator that moves markets." Published on the first working day of each month.
The abrupt change in either direction can cause a reaction in the market.

Index gradual acceleration of inflation (ISM Prices Paid)
Represents the results of a survey of leading managers of manufacturing companies, expressed in points.
Published the first of each.
The effect on the market is inconsistent.

The index of business activity in the services sector (ISM Services Index)
It represents the results of a survey of managers in the services sector in order to assess changes in this sector of the economy. Values ​​below 50 indicates a slowdown.
Published at the beginning of each month, the day after publication.
The effect on the market is inconsistent.

Applications for unemployment benefits (Jobless Claims)
It reflects the change in the number of weekly applications for unemployment benefits. Reducing the number of applications - a favorable factor for the growth of the US dollar.
Published every Thursday.
Effect on the market is limited.

Index of Leading Indicators (Leading Indicator Index)
Index is a weighted average of indicators such as "number of applications for unemployment benefits", "construction permit", "indicators of money supply M", etc. It characterizes the development of the economy over the next six months.
Published at the beginning of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

The index of consumer sentiment from the University of Michigan (Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index)
This report reflects the desire of consumers to spend their own money.
The report comes in the middle and at the end of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

Cash Units "M» (Money Supply «M1, M2, M3")
The publication of these indicators is only informative. Published on Thursdays.
Effect on the market practically no effect.

Number sold or homes for sale (New Home Sales)
Reflects the value of the sold or for sale of houses designed for one family per year. As with all indicators related to the real estate, subject to seasonal fluctuations.
It appears at the beginning of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

Number of jobs created in non-agricultural sectors of the economy (Nonfarm Payrolls)
It reflects the change in the level of employment in the country (payroll - payroll). It is called "indicator that moves markets." Increase its value at 200,000 a month, equivalent to an increase in GDP by 3%.
Published on the first Friday of each month.
It has a strong impact on the market.

Personal Income (Personal Income)
It includes salaries, social security payments, income from bank deposits and others. The growth of its value could lead to an increase in the volume of retail sales, which is considered by the market as a positive factor.
It appears after the 20th day of each month.
The effect on the market is inconsistent.

Personal Expenses (Personal Spending)
This figure comprises three components: the cost of purchasing durable goods, nondurable and services. Its value is often predictable.
Published after the 20th day of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

Business activity index from the Federal Bank of Philadelphia (Philadelphia FED Index)
This report on the current economic situation, is the results of a survey of manufacturers in Philadelphia. Values ​​below zero indicate a slowing economy.
Published on the third Thursday of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)
This so-called "diffusion index", which is derived from the index «ISM», the index is a measure of the final survey of managers' Institute of Supply ". Its value ranges from 0% to 100%. A value of 50% is considered normal. This indicator, as well as «ISM» called "indicator that moves markets."
Published on the first working day of each month.
The abrupt change in either direction can cause a reaction in the market.

PPI (Producer Price Index)
It shows the change in the price level in the "basket" of goods produced in the industry. It is considered more authentic if it does not take into account food and energy industries. It consists of two parts: the rates at the input and output rates. Output Price includes the cost of labor. Published in the second week of the month.
It has a strong impact on the market.

Labour productivity (Productivity)
Quarterly report showing the change in the volume of output in the calculation of per employee. In the analysis of this indicator is necessary to pay attention to its internal structure. The growth of the index is a positive factor for the development of the national economy.
Published before the 10th of the month following the expiration of a through one quarter.
It has a strong impact on the market.

Average Weekly Wages (Real Earning or Real Average Weekly Earning)
The index is part of a group of inflationary indicators. It appears in two forms: as an absolute value and as an index relative to the previous period. To eliminate the effects of inflation calculation is performed with respect to the base year for which adopted in 1982.
Published in the middle of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

Weekly Review of retail sales (Redbook)
It represents the results of research volumes of retail sales of large supermarkets. It appears in the form of comparisons of the past weeks of this month, with the same number of weeks of the previous month. Published every Tuesday.
Effect on the market almost no.

Retail Sales (Retail Sales)
This index shows the change in sales in the retail trade. It appears in two forms. The most accurate information gives the part, which are not considered "car sales". The growth of volume of retail sales is a positive factor for the development of the national economy.
Published in the middle of each month.
Effect on the market is limited.

The state budget deficit (Treasury Statement)

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