US Forex

There are lots of differences between the US forex from the Russian (and all the other CIS countries). The United States has formed a fairly high culture trade, developed its own traditions related to the foreign exchange market, etc. In this country, almost the entire population in one degree or another connected with the exchange trading. Exchange in the United States, the most developed in the world, and this is no accident.

The three main reasons for the high level of development of the US Forex:

Special conditions for beginners

Even beginners can use to play the forex substantial amount. As you know, the more forex deposit or initial capital, the more profit can be. If we have many traders begin trading, investing only $ 100 in the United States newcomers tend to invest not less than 25 thousand dollars. The Americans are not as rich as we think. Many of them live on credit and never held in the hands of such a large amount. But out of the loans have a chance. We must start with their small capital and trading firms to use its money. This company offers everyone the necessary training and money to start. Initially have to trade only under the supervision of colleagues and earn income in accordance with its modest contribution, but very soon you can become independent and to increase profits significantly.

The level of training of traders

High level of training beginners-Dummies. The American trading firms can, and friendly, but not stupid. Become a part of such a company and get her money trading is not easy. It is necessary to pass the theoretical and practical training (during which at least four weeks). Education is not free (about 4 thousand dollars), but quite effective. After several weeks of training trades novice trader gets a chance to trade on a real account. However, for some time it bids will monitor senior trader (or curator), he also will teach the beginner his trading techniques. American forex is very thoughtful, there begins the release in the "free floating" only after it will not have the same training, and at two or even three curators, because in this way he will appreciate the advantages of three different trading strategies.

Drinking Forex

Proper attitude of the leadership of the country to the foreign exchange market. Many people in our country do not believe in an honest forex trading because they think that everything related to this market - sell. This is the case not least because of the dishonorable actions of some forex brokers. Some Russian brokers manipulated quotations, execute orders out of time and resorted to other tricks to make money on an inexperienced newcomers. US Forex protects all its members. In the United States it was adopted stringent laws to regulate the activities of brokers. Forex in America is so developed and is popular because the people of this country know that almost any fraud is punishable. For any unscrupulous broker can sue and easily win the case.

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