Interest rates

Country: United States.

Definition: Federal Funds Rate - the federal funds rate.

Description: Federal Funds Rate (federal funds rate) - interest rate, which is used in transactions to raise short-term loans between banks - members of the Federal Reserve System. The federal funds rate is regulated by the Committee on Open Market (Federal Open Market Committee, FOMC).

Periodicity: Issued eight times a year - once in six weeks, on Tuesdays.

Exceptions are the first and the fourth meeting of the year, which take place over two days (Tuesday and Wednesday).

The degree of influence: high

Country: Eurozone.

Definition: Refinancing tender rate - refinancing rate.

Description: The refinancing rate - the interest rate that is the lowest possible for applications to raise funds in the tender of the European Central Bank. ECB every two weeks a tender for the allocation of funds is necessary in order to maintain liquidity in the monetary system. The minimum rate at which the ECB conducts transactions on the open market.

Frequency: Released monthly, usually on the first Thursday of the month

The degree of influence: high

Country: United Kingdom.

Definition: Bank Rate

Description: The interest rate at which the Central Bank of England gives loans to banks, taking as collateral securities. These banks will have to buy back their shares at a certain price and at the appointed time. The decision about key interest rates in the UK takes the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England (Monetary Policy Committee) at its monthly meetings.

Publication frequency: The meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England held for two days. Usually this Wednesday and Thursday of each month, following the first Monday of the month. However, there are exceptions, when the meeting is held on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The degree of influence: high

Country: Japan.

Definition: Overnight call rate target - the target interest rate for overnight loans.

Description: Japanese one-day interest rate that Japan is positioned as a major for all banks of the country, issuing short-term deposits. To the bank conducts monetary operations is at such rate, the Central Bank of Japan conducts various manipulations of government securities.

Discount Rate - the interest rate in Japan, in which the same as the Discount rate in the United States, issued short-term loans for liquidity support

Publication frequency: usually published monthly (but sometimes can be two meetings a month), the exact time of publication of rates is not installed.

The degree of influence: high

Country: Canada

Definition: Overnight rate target - target interest rate for overnight.

Description: The target for the overnight interest rate - is the rate of interest, which wants to see the Bank of Canada as the average money market deposits. The target for the overnight interest rate the Bank of Canada is the main interest rate in the country, this rate is a major in the relations between the major financial institutions. To control the level of interest rates in the overnight market, the Bank of Canada sets a so-called wide operating range 0.50, the middle of which is always the target for the overnight interest rate.

The decision to change interest rates are taken at meetings of the Governing Board of the Bank of Canada. The result is announced at the same day.

Publication frequency: out eight times a year, in accordance with the schedule published by the Bank of Canada.

The degree of influence: high

Country: Switzerland.

Definition: 3 month LIBOR range - range three-month LIBOR rate

Description: 3 Month LIBOR Range nominated by the Swiss National Bank for three months. With this bet is it regulated the monetary situation and influence the banks' interest rates on loans, mortgages and savings.

Frequency: Released quarterly, usually on the third Thursday of the month (March, June, September, December).

The degree of influence: high

Country: Sweden

Definition: Repo Rate

Description: The main interest rate, according to which the central bank lends to the Swedish Riksbank and takes funds on deposit in commercial banks for a period of 7 days. Bank Board (Executive Board) holds six monetary policy meetings a year.

The degree of influence: high

Country: Australia

Definition: Cash Rate

Description: The target interest rate of the Reserve Bank of Australia. It is the main banks and affect the interests issued by these banks loans and mortgages. Decisions on interest rate changes adopted at the meetings of the Governing Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia (Reserve Bank Board)

Publication frequency: 11 times a year on the first Tuesday of the month except for January.

The degree of influence: high.

Country: Norway

Definition: Sight Deposit Rate

Description: The main instrument of monetary policy of the Central Bank of Norway (Norges Bank)

Publication frequency: 1 every 6 weeks

The degree of influence: high

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