
Rapidly developing international trade and investment, on the other hand the existence of national currency - the basis of economic relations on the exchange. Every sovereign state has its own currency. For many it is still possible to buy, but in this particular state. In the countries of their units, and only they are allowed there only legitimate circulation. The rest, that foreign money is called currency (> foreigncurrency). And to be able to buy goods and utilities there must have adequate foreign currency. The operation when using the unit receive their money a certain number of foreign units, called conversion, exchange or purchase of currency, and a set of economic relationships that arise when using national currencies in international payments, forms the foreign exchange market. Currency markets play a major role economic life of developed countries. Several recent decades was found rapid globalization of economic activity. Trade, investment and production than were international.
The globalization of the world economy has led to ever-growing volume of cross-border commercial and trade agreements. Any agreement that captures more currency area, usually means the conversion of one currency to another, the foundation trading currency.

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