Schoolboy from the US earned on the "Forex" 72 million dollars

Schoolboy from the New York Queens Mohammed Islam for 17 years earned the games on the foreign exchange market "Forex" 72 million dollars. The boy and his two friends are going to gain 1 billion over the next year.
Teenagers are also going to open your own hedge fund.
"Mo [Mohammed] - Maestro" - said his friends told reporters.
The young man, by his own admission, became interested in bids at the age of nine years.
Subsequently, he was inspired billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones, now occupies, according to Forbes, the 108-th place in the list of richest US citizens.
Most of the profits earned Mohammed during school meals, going to the brizhevye sites.
Recently, the student got his own automobiles BMW, which he has led has no right age restrictions.
In addition, on Sunday the young man announced his intention to meet with the trader who allegedly provide $ 150 million for the development of its future hedge fund.
"If the money is not flowing, and business is not developed, there will be no innovation, product, investment, economic growth and jobs," - said Islam in an interview with New York Post.
Journalists dubbed the trio of friends "wolves of Wall Street."
"Own boss"
The foreign exchange market "Forex" is one of the most popular ways to make money for the players on the stock exchange.
The market is also used for financial transactions.
Islam and friends
Friends are increasingly called Islam (pictured - in the center), "the maestro"
In November, the US Commission on Commodity Futures Trading fined Citigroup, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland and Swiss UBS for $ 1.4 billion for the manipulation of the "Forex". British financial regulator in turn fined the same bank of $ 1.7 billion.
A number of players on the stock exchange using the program terminal MetaTrader.
Blogger BBC Russian Service Sergei Graponov having the experience of playing at the stock exchange, the previously tested the system.
"The main advantage of online traders - independent (own boss!), Turns into a weakness. At the crucial moment when you need a cold-blooded execution of the plan," included the chief, "and all the emotions on making adjustments," - he described his difficulties Samarets. Overestimated their strength, in his opinion, very easily.
According to forecasts of the bank UBS, the Forex market will grow to a daily turnover of $ 10 trillion by 2020.
When the market was started in the mid-1970s, when he was only 5 billion dollars a day.

US Forex

There are lots of differences between the US forex from the Russian (and all the other CIS countries). The United States has formed a fairly high culture trade, developed its own traditions related to the foreign exchange market, etc. In this country, almost the entire population in one degree or another connected with the exchange trading. Exchange in the United States, the most developed in the world, and this is no accident.

The three main reasons for the high level of development of the US Forex:

Special conditions for beginners

Even beginners can use to play the forex substantial amount. As you know, the more forex deposit or initial capital, the more profit can be. If we have many traders begin trading, investing only $ 100 in the United States newcomers tend to invest not less than 25 thousand dollars. The Americans are not as rich as we think. Many of them live on credit and never held in the hands of such a large amount. But out of the loans have a chance. We must start with their small capital and trading firms to use its money. This company offers everyone the necessary training and money to start. Initially have to trade only under the supervision of colleagues and earn income in accordance with its modest contribution, but very soon you can become independent and to increase profits significantly.

The level of training of traders

High level of training beginners-Dummies. The American trading firms can, and friendly, but not stupid. Become a part of such a company and get her money trading is not easy. It is necessary to pass the theoretical and practical training (during which at least four weeks). Education is not free (about 4 thousand dollars), but quite effective. After several weeks of training trades novice trader gets a chance to trade on a real account. However, for some time it bids will monitor senior trader (or curator), he also will teach the beginner his trading techniques. American forex is very thoughtful, there begins the release in the "free floating" only after it will not have the same training, and at two or even three curators, because in this way he will appreciate the advantages of three different trading strategies.

Drinking Forex

Proper attitude of the leadership of the country to the foreign exchange market. Many people in our country do not believe in an honest forex trading because they think that everything related to this market - sell. This is the case not least because of the dishonorable actions of some forex brokers. Some Russian brokers manipulated quotations, execute orders out of time and resorted to other tricks to make money on an inexperienced newcomers. US Forex protects all its members. In the United States it was adopted stringent laws to regulate the activities of brokers. Forex in America is so developed and is popular because the people of this country know that almost any fraud is punishable. For any unscrupulous broker can sue and easily win the case.

FXCM: Best Forex Broker US

Late last week, the Australian research firm Investment Trends told the media that she had finished its review of the retail forex market, the US.

To understand what is happening on the American forex scene in March and April of this year, Investment Trends surveyed approximately 12,000 investors in the retail market (hopefully they did not lie when answering questions, all right, we were joking!).

According to a survey by American traders have a favorite broker and is - no surprise - FXCM, one of the giants of the Forex market is not only the US but also around the world: 26% of respondents put this broker traders headed lists "holistic satisfaction". FXCM is still ranked first in terms of quality of customer support and educational services (to be honest, we have experience of client support answers not quite perfect, but the staff is probably just doing what we need).

FXCM has won first place in the ranking of another - this size. Here is a ranking of the size of the brokers US

5. Alpari US

To evaluate the brokers, traders used 21 parameters such as functionality, service and price. It would be interesting to note that 88% of the survey participants indicated that they were very satisfied with the services of your broker. This is not surprising, as each broker in the United States makes an extra effort in the competitive market to attract and retain customers.

Forex market is the United States: the most mobile in the world forex market

According to a survey by Investment Trends, 115,000 Americans traded in the forex market at least once from April 2012 to April 2013. It shows a decent activity - but it still shows a low level of assimilation in the adult population of the country - only 0.05%. For comparison, the result in Australia 0.31% and 0.15% in the United Kingdom.

But the US in the lead in terms of mobile commerce: Investment Trends survey showed that more than 60% of US trade with traders moblnogo phone and / or tablet. This level is very high, meaning that worldwide only 10% of trade is done with mobile devices.

Most traders who participated in the survey admitted that they use mainly for mobile commerce applications to check the status of their accounts, but the number of traders who use these applications to put warrant increases.

About FXCM

FXCM - global provider of online Forex (forex) trading services and related services that its customers around the world.

At the heart of FXCM is the fulfillment of NDD. Another advantage is a large set of liquidity providers, enabling the broker to provide very favorable spread for major pairs. Customers can take advantage of mobile trading, one-click trading and trade with charts in real time.

The British subsidiary of FXCM - Forex Capital Markets Limited, offers CFD products with no re-quotes and trade oil, gold, silver and stock indices along with forex on one platform. In addition, FXCM offers educational resources for forex trading and free news and market research through

Forex brokers in the US

For many traders forex brokers in the United States are the benchmark for reliability and quality Forex trading. Because of these considerations, the major investors prefer Western brokers with experience. Is it really, everyone should be judged on their own, but US regulators, such as the CFTC, which are subject to forex brokers in the US, is a guarantee of reliability of the company.

Choosing DC, should consider all the options and if the company is credible, but in the US, it is not a reason to refuse cooperation. Many brokers have a Russian-language sites are pleased to see our fellow citizens among its customers, therefore providing high quality technical support in their native language. Forex brokers in the United States, adding to the list presented below are reputable companies with good reputation.

The regulation of the Forex market in the US

In the United States, services for the derivative financial instruments whose underlying assets are currency rates resulting from trading in the interbank market FOREX, mainly offers futures brokers, licensed futures commission merchant (FCM) and retail FOREX- dealers licensed retail foreign exchange dealer (RFED). In the USA the historically distribution of spheres of regulation, according to which the futures market, mainly under the jurisdiction of the Commission by the Commodity Futures Trading (Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC), and self-regulatory organization - the National Futures assotsiaitsii (National Futures Association, NFA). FCM and RFED are licensed CFTC, and also become members of the self-regulatory organization NFA. Control sets the minimum amount of own funds of the company, which today must be not less than 22 mln. US dollars. In addition, companies are required to maintain the size of its own funds in the amount of five percent of their commitments in excess of the minimum value. By FCM and RFED also the requirements of the internal documents and policies governing internal controls, risk management, detailing the relationship with customers, as well as the presence of the Comptroller (compliance officer).

An important feature of the work of American FOREX-companies is that the customer is given a contract to sign a form of risk communication, the text of which shall be approved by the regulator. Apart from the general ban on fraudulent activities in the United States there are a number of specific prohibitions concerning, for example, conduct transactions at non-market prices, expanding the spread between the bid price and the ask, and the ban on direct transactions, the resolution of which has been received from the client indicating the type of navigation tools and volume. FCM and RFED required to provide the relevant units of CFTC and NFA financial records, and information on compliance with regulations in the form of annual and periodic reporting. NFA, in turn, conducts an annual audit of all FCM and RFED. In addition to the standards and rules set by the regulator in relation to derivative transactions, the United States has a system FORTRESS (Forex Transaction Reporting Execution Surveillance System), which is used as a tool for NFA automatic analysis of FOREX-companies and detect violations.

The system records all transactions and client functions as a single register. The report on trading transactions contain all its main characteristics, such as the time, the price at which the transaction was opened and closed, trading volume and others, which gives the regulator the ability to automatically detect deviations from normal market conditions. Capital requirements, the range of activities available to different types of customers, to the size of the margin shoulder, permitted for clients, regulatory and enforcement policy are different for FCM and RFED, on the one hand, and brokers - dealers who trade on the stock market, on the other. The interim rule SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) allows registered brokers also offer retail services (OTC) Forex. An integral feature of the American system of regulation is usually set limits on the amount of leverage provided by FOREX retail customers.

We can assume that it is this restriction leads to some stagnation in the industry in the United States, since the lack of opportunity associated with margin lending, OTC FOREX deprives the main advantages and does not stand out compared to other financial markets. To date, the total amount of liabilities of companies offering services to retail clients trading in the OTC segment of the FOREX market to customers in the United States is according to various estimates about 800 million US dollars. The majority of this amount relates to the obligations of the five largest companies, the number of active clients ranging from 20 to 100 thousand people.